View Full Version : Maps Help II

09-16-2002, 10:07 PM
I have a single player map that I would be glad to upload. It is my first map and is rather simple, but something different for the newbie... and offers time saving plane landing events for copy.

The problem is that I cannot get the player's waypoints to load. I am saving this map as a cooperative so one may load/view it in Single Player / Archives. Can anyone offer a suggestion as to what type of waypoint this should be labeled ?


I am also unable to get a screenshot while in Comanche.. the picture is taken and saved but appears as a plane blue screen. Whats up with that ?


Thanks in advance.

09-16-2002, 10:45 PM
if you send me the mis file (or attach it here), i would be happy to check your waypoints fer ya


09-17-2002, 01:51 AM
if you bring up your waypoint lists (edit/waypoints) there is a check box that says "blue team waypoint"

check that box that applies to that waypoint list.

idunno about your ss prob, need mo info.

09-18-2002, 02:56 AM
Originally posted by Rüstinsk
if you bring up your waypoint lists (edit/waypoints) there is a check box that says "blue team waypoint"

check that box that applies to that waypoint list.

idunno about your ss prob, need mo info. :yes: