View Full Version : hum juicy

11-24-2003, 11:16 PM

a must see

11-24-2003, 11:30 PM
These are not screenshots taken by the user

if you look on the right edge of each pic you can see dirty marks on all off them

and the radar is distorted as if the pics have been resized and not keeping true ratio

either these are out of a magazine but doughtful or there photo's taken at the nvidia promotion a few months back which is more likly

they do look good though very nice :)

11-25-2003, 11:46 AM
Originally posted by Chad
These are not screenshots taken by the user

if you look on the right edge of each pic you can see dirty marks on all off them

and the radar is distorted as if the pics have been resized and not keeping true ratio

either these are out of a magazine but doughtful or there photo's taken at the nvidia promotion a few months back which is more likly

they do look good though very nice :) i noticed the shotty quality of the pic's , but if ya read further you'll see where some1 asked if he was in on the recent beta test . he didnt deny or comfirm he just used a smiliey face lol . but all in all if these are from the beta looks like they did a major overhaul on the gm engine , all i can say is i hope gary buids me a sweet 2 gig processor 1 gig ram frankinstien puter for gm'n lmao