View Full Version : "LITTLE BIRD" Hit points

10-19-2003, 02:17 PM
Does anyone know where I can find the hp values to items in BHD.? I'm mainly looking to get the hp value to the "little bird".
In the events list it does show the HP value going up to 5000 but tiring to get bird to die at a set value doesn't seem to be working.
Please, not to be rude but I don't need the formula to set up the event or need help in setting up the events for it, I just need to find out if there is a certain hp values to the item.

Any help would surely be appreciated.


10-19-2003, 03:45 PM
Originally posted by Charger
Does anyone know where I can find the hp values to items in BHD.? I'm mainly looking to get the hp value to the "little bird".
In the events list it does show the HP value going up to 5000 but tiring to get bird to die at a set value doesn't seem to be working.
Please, not to be rude but I don't need the formula to set up the event or need help in setting up the events for it, I just need to find out if there is a certain hp values to the item.

Any help would surely be appreciated.

Frustrated...:glueck11baby.gif: thats a real good question charger i'll see what i can dig up for you

10-19-2003, 08:14 PM
Thanks Ed. What I'm looking for is to have player shoot at the Bird some many times and then have it kill.

I can set it to die at anytime with an event of course but thats not having the player shoot ot down. I'm messing with hit points, yada, and other options but just not getting it to come down with X ammount of hits or at least close to the player shootong it, that just doesn't seem realistic enough for me.