View Full Version : OCSW

09-07-2002, 11:46 AM
Happen to be watching the discovery channel last night and this is what they had on. Now some of you may already know about this weapon but I wanted to give a little insight and mention it to those who have no clue as to what the military is developing these days. This is the future of military weapons and like the OICW will give us the military superiority on the battlefield.

“The 25mm system has a full solution fire control system including a laser range finder and a day/night sight. It delivers a highly lethal and suppressive fire out to 2,000 meters against personnel targets, light material targets and vehicles.”

The hairs on the back of my neck are standing up! I’m just hoping that Novalogic has some interest in adding this baby to any future series of Delta Force like they have with the OICW, which is a very popular weapon and can be found in almost every military first person game on the market, if not by the makers then with a MOD.

An impressive display of its capabilities is the ability to shot through a window of a brick building and have the round explode and enemy lying on the floor in the room would be killed or maimed by the sharp metal blast.

Inclosing I have added a few URL’s in which you may read up on this amazing weapon or search OCSW in any good search engine.

OCSW (http://www.gdatp.com/Products/fact_sheets2/ocsw/OCSW.html )

OCSW2 (http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/budget/fy1999/dot-e/army/99ocsws.html)

09-08-2002, 12:07 AM

09-09-2002, 04:38 PM
duder you forgot the most important optain w/new weapon . lets say ya track a person from his door way he runs and lays prone behind a wall . lase the wall program the 25mm round to air burst at the distance duder behind wall is no longer safe lmao oh yes and the fact there is almost no recoil on this new weapon . w/tripod mounted 50 cal ya need a few hundread pounds on the tripod legs . and even then the 50 cal bounces but this new weapon set it up on ground outside your fox hole and you can be in fox hole veiwing targets on a kinda laptop . no more ppl in harms way to speak of for this weapon i like it lol