View Full Version : Free Signature Hosting Now Available!

10-10-2003, 10:37 PM
We now offer free sig hosting so if your stuck for a place to host your sig look no further :)
the limit is set to width=500 pixels height=150 pixels and must be no bigger than 50k

example typicle sig:

You must have cookies enabled to use the uploader and you may have to add http://checkpointdelta.net to your safe site list if you use norton firewall.
All uploads are recorded for security reasons so please dont abuse it

You can find the uploader link in main menu and on the forum ticker enjoy:)

10-11-2003, 05:09 PM
KUDOS, Chad! Gamers will certainly take advantage of your offer... :biggthumpup.gif:

10-11-2003, 08:15 PM
Any specific reason why the different DF communities can't standarize on a common sig rule....? I mean, DFA has got 400x100 and you've got 500x 150..... (!)

Makes it akward for those who get around a bit, lol... :bisou:

10-12-2003, 04:08 AM
Originally posted by Q-dad~TAG
Any specific reason why the different DF communities can't standarize on a common sig rule....? I mean, DFA has got 400x100 and you've got 500x 150..... (!)

Makes it akward for those who get around a bit, lol... :bisou:

It's all based on the site & bandwidth restrictions, site managers, etc

I think that cpd has very low restrictions doesn't it?

10-12-2003, 09:29 AM
i think most sigs are 400 x 100 and a few smaller than that be we do have a few users where there sigs are 150 pixels in height we need to cater for them too

hence the max size of 500 x 150 this does not meen you have to reach the limit just meens that 99% of sigs can be uploaded :D

11-02-2003, 09:04 PM
I think whatever you're willing to offer is fantastic. CPD Rocks !!:bouncing: