View Full Version : editing 3d models ?

07-28-2003, 05:46 AM
Hi, is there a way to extract (and export .3di) df BHD models into 3d Studio Max? I've been doing the same with CS models and I made some nice looking scenes ... Been on the hunt for such infofor the past 3 moths but couldn't get anything about it.

Is there such a possibility?


07-28-2003, 07:50 AM
...Been on the hunt for such infofor the past 3 moths

Been on the same hunt for about 2 years, and as far as I know, the code for such an import/export capability has yet to be released - by either Novalogic or the DF community. :(

Nova's mindset about this much freedom with their graphics is much different than a few of the other developers... Codemasters/OpFlash/Oxygen being a good example.

A 3ds user huh ?...hmmmm... maybe you can explain these lines when I render terrains....

Welcome to CPD.

[Edited on 7-28-2003 by Bluetiereign]

07-28-2003, 09:38 AM
We could always organize the Delta Force Gaming Community to sign a petition for public release of the 3DI Plug-Ins, similar to the one submitted by Rogue Spear Gaming Community to Redstorm Entertainment back in 2000.

Check out the link on Pie's Tactics website: Petition (http://www.piestatics.com/petition.asp)

[Edited on 7-28-2003 by LadyHawke]

07-28-2003, 07:30 PM
I e-mailed Pie4Foo about his server being down, and here is his response:

Hiya LadyHawke,

Thanks for writing in. We're in the process of doing a major server / network / everything under the sun upgrade for the web site. We plan on returning, yes. ;)

Chris "Pie4Foo" Abele

03-23-2004, 01:17 AM
ok this attachment will get ur model into unwrap3d http://www.unwrap3d.com/downloads.html

next you needs the to save it to .OBJ next you need the OBJ2MAX file in this list http://www.cadalyst.net/extras/plugins/Importmax5.html

The package includes the textures in .dds format, if you want to see .dds format textures in 3D Studio Max, go here Nvidia has a good site for .DDS reference.

Make sure that the texture is in the same direcotry of the .obj file when importing or it wont' show up in 3dsmax.