View Full Version : Comanche 4

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  1. More support needed
  2. Stage 2 for a new C4
  3. YAY!! GOT MY CD Version...
  4. Vent..Just Wondering
  5. Steam/CD No Name FIX!!!
  6. HEY my C4 frinds
  7. How many of you own BF2, Battlefield 2?
  8. Heres one for ya
  9. Odyssey Mod for C4
  10. Servers Allowing Hacks
  11. Viper has been BAN
  12. MasterX Banned from BSS Server
  13. Weapons mod poll
  14. OD Mod progress
  15. C4 Pilot Editor not working
  16. OD mod update
  17. Map creaters wanted
  18. Search and destroy under way
  19. Nova
  20. OD mod update
  21. C4 tournament hosted by Black Sheep Squadron
  22. Help pleas
  23. An Old Flares Bug in C4
  24. Almost ready
  25. Fort Hood!!
  26. Odyssey Mod update
  27. DCONX 0.24B Released!
  28. Open letter to the C4 Community
  29. Odyssey Mod open beta released
  30. official OD beta test Friday night the 18th
  31. OD update
  32. New C4 Petition
  33. Pings
  34. OD mod version 2 .exe
  35. Hello....
  36. C4 on FaceBook
  37. New Info on an old subject
  38. Another Clue...
  39. BSS Airstation 4 server BANNED
  40. Creation of a C4 Map Library
  41. Alright, what do I need?
  42. Background programs and laggggg
  43. Comming Soon ?
  44. R.I.P. Rotor 6 *CFS*
  45. Anniversary of 9/11
  46. Server out ?
  47. Area Trigger Help
  48. Easy VPN Server
  49. Handy software
  50. Logging into C4 server with log on screen
  51. Help! w/C4Get Player Manager
  52. NovaWorld2 Home Page and the Comanche 4 Server back
  53. Novaword is down again!!!
  54. Old Matches
  55. SAI Squad Members
  56. Rain of Fire........
  57. Comanche 4 Squads
  58. Server Issues
  59. comanche 4 joystick use...
  60. The History of Comanche 4
  61. TeamSpeak
  62. Old C-4's
  63. °UFS° Comanche 4 Server 24/7 is now back!
  64. Dusty's Secret Health recipe???
  65. Zak
  66. Comanche 4 History Site Is Now Live
  67. Pilot Editor
  68. Again Happy New Year...
  69. From the good ol' days..
  70. Comanche 4 Expansion Pack V8.1 does not work!! C4.exe startup crash
  71. Comanche 4 MFD "Enemy Targets look always damaged?"
  72. New Injstall of C3
  73. How to Convert DF2 Terrains to C4 Format
  74. X52 not working in C4
  75. Comanche 5 ?
  76. °UFS° 326 Combat Squad Server 24/7 is back
  77. Where are all old Comanche 4 pilots?
  78. I miss C4
  79. Christmas Day Play
  80. New Member
  81. Crown Jewel SP
  82. Two new C4 Maps
  83. Is anyone still playing C4????
  84. Is anyone still playing C4???
  85. Comanche 4 on Windows 7
  86. How to dodge missles in latest version
  87. Anyone still playing Comanche 4 ?
  88. Comanche4 on Steam Multiplayer.....
  89. Cant find my CD Any more
  90. Little challenge: finish countdown on advanced difficulty
  91. AI missile turn rate bug fix
  92. Long time coming: Server Upgrade
  93. I need to know..
  94. Wow
  95. New Rig
  96. Any idea of hoe to get this to run on Win 10.
  97. WHEELS<CoN> Squadron
  98. C4 and Windows 10!
  99. C4MED for DF2