View Full Version : Comanche 4

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  1. Server Available
  2. I'm back ......with more maps......
  3. check this out.......
  4. hey check this tough one.........war of normandie
  5. something for snow lovers..........
  6. Operation Desert Storm...........
  7. Environment Treat for all
  8. C4 MissionEditor translated to german
  9. C4League
  10. Gadget
  11. C4 Jousting :ar15:
  12. How Can i Add A map On This Site??
  13. hokum in Highway 101 TDM
  14. How do you make teammate follow you??
  15. young squad is looking for new members in UK
  16. Too much time on my hands?
  17. Nova-Wars
  18. Interesting Discussion at BKC Forums
  19. Footnote / Logger for C4 anyone ?
  20. Flying capabilities...
  21. Continued V20 Download
  22. Questions
  23. Using Teamspeak in Comanche4
  24. C4 TKOTH Maps
  25. Campaign Manager
  26. Newbie post re C4 "lag" and PCX files
  27. What Happened to AE ???
  28. Comanche 5 When??
  29. Update to Serve in Version 2???
  30. P4 Hyperthreading
  31. Novaword is down!?!?
  32. Do i need download something 2 play TKOH?????
  33. New to C4.. Looking 4 Server knowledge...
  34. Tiles
  35. custom maps
  36. action replay
  37. Bizarre file???
  38. Anyone seen Bane ?
  39. c4 log in
  40. Hmm
  41. C4-server behind router
  42. Editor problems
  43. Using A Map
  44. C4 and Comanche Gold Maps..?
  45. C4 Get Player Manager V. Released !!
  46. Hp+fastmem..patch..!?
  47. How do I get the FF to work?
  48. logitec profiler
  49. So how is the C4 community?
  50. New guy on the block
  51. Major PC problem
  52. Diffrent actions
  53. C4 and Win XP
  54. New Saitek X45 driver
  55. c4.exe Application Error
  56. Hope Isnt Lost
  57. C4 Search & Destroy Game Type
  58. flying tips
  59. Invisible C4, Need a Fix
  60. Please help: C4 dumps on recent computer hardware ?
  61. Ip Ports
  62. All C4.cfg settings !?!
  63. RE: VLoading
  64. Test Your Flying Skills This Weekend!
  65. *CFS* 1 Year Anniversary
  66. C4 on a Lan via Internet
  67. Ip
  68. any experience running C4 under Win2003 web edition???
  69. how to install comanche3 on winXP ???
  70. Comanche no longer loads XP SP2
  71. Need advice of superiority of C4 over others
  72. Lookin 4 a squad
  73. For Those Who Like A Long Game!
  74. New Maps
  75. Remote Access for C4 101
  76. C4 Running problem HELP !!!
  77. Reaper u still here?
  78. Start Problems
  79. ATI Rage XL 8 MB ram
  80. Data Extraction
  81. New C4 MAp
  82. Save a Game????!!!
  83. netdelay/puntcrc
  84. The IFS wants you!!
  85. Found best way to deal with cheaters
  86. C4 Mission Editor
  87. Comming To A Server Near You
  88. Problem with Graphics
  89. I Quit
  90. recording game data? anybody knows this?
  91. (Tech) Probs with C4
  92. Bump SAI
  93. avi or movies
  94. Bypassing Video Requirements for a Server
  95. How to add text msgs?
  96. NEW Mission is Finish!
  97. A Little Help Needed.....
  98. A New Map
  99. C4 won't start, nor C3 for that matter
  100. LAG A Must read for all C4 Pilots
  101. Product Code ??
  102. A old Map in New a new Version
  103. New C4 Map in Work
  104. In Game Video
  105. One Hit Server
  106. Ch Pro Paddles
  107. Target Informationsystem
  108. wac File
  109. Been A Long Time Folks
  110. Good bye Comanche 4
  111. new Map goes to the start
  112. C4 Paperwork?
  113. C4 1 hit
  114. Help with Comanche 4
  115. Where's the third silo in countdown?
  116. How Low Can You Go
  117. M1A2 Camouflage- by =ZAK=
  118. Server for C4 Coop/Mp missions
  119. C-130 Dessert Camouflage and M-3 Bradley Dessert Camouflage by =ZAK=
  120. HI SPIRIT* IS HERE What U Think ???????
  121. C4 and TeamSpeak
  122. What's macros are acceptable in public games?
  123. Comanche4
  124. No Fog Cheat
  125. c4 newbie needs help
  126. V1.5 Auto Explode
  127. c4 server swapper
  128. A new Mission for 2006
  129. Recent Accusations Against Silent Assault Inc.
  130. Help the Griffon. No, wait, it's not…..
  131. C4med help!
  132. Behind Enemy Lines
  133. New C4 League
  134. Who alls still around?
  135. 2 questions: How to enable FSAA / C4 Benchmarking mode
  136. Traitor
  137. Complaining about accusations
  138. Kendari Airport
  139. Went all out!
  140. Sorry to see lots of you guys have left
  141. New C4 Campaign (SP/Coop) Opinions wanted
  142. S&D,Team King of the Hill
  143. Mission Editor Help LCAC
  144. C4 Mission Editor Help Site?
  145. Thanks + Works 4 a bit LCAC
  146. ZAK need more help again plz
  147. Enviroment problems with C4 mission Editor
  148. C4 Server Info
  149. C4 Lol
  150. Scud alley
  151. My profile combat setup for Extreme 3D Pro Joystick Logitech
  152. Settings ?
  153. Awesome Maps
  154. bms to mis converter
  155. The new alliance
  156. black hawks
  157. Improved stingers of hellfire?
  158. Problem with maps
  159. Kills with one hit?
  160. Comanche 4 SP...
  161. Advanced or Easy?
  162. C4 Wallpaper...
  163. Errors after installing C4EXPMODv6
  164. Scout & Angel Down
  165. Mods
  166. Under Fire
  167. Desert shield
  168. Nova login??
  169. Cheats for Comanche4
  170. Inso's Revenge
  171. Inso DSS Welcome back
  172. C4MED programers
  173. Polytrn error
  174. A Word of Graditude
  175. =ZAK= is Back c4exp mod v6.1
  176. C4 and Bin files
  177. Match New AE
  178. Where is AE??
  179. AE 1040 Question
  180. User missions not showing up
  181. Pilot name doesn't show
  182. Copying the names
  183. Your help needed
  184. Can not log in
  185. Please Help the Basque !!!
  186. Help with host manager
  187. Hamachi.....
  188. What happened to AE1050 & the new C4 Expansion
  189. UnderGround
  190. Hydras
  191. C4 Guide
  192. Map Making
  193. Auto Explode
  194. Now
  195. The Clown
  196. No Pilot Name!
  197. =fun= 24/7
  198. C4 Passwords
  199. C4 Log in ERROR
  200. 1 on 1 Tournament
  201. exploding at start of some missions
  202. New C4ExP Map
  203. To all C4 pilots
  204. Ae 40
  205. Hosting question
  206. Unreadable StartUp HTML In Vista x64
  207. 9/11 Aniversary
  208. C4xpmod
  209. c4IP ?!?!
  210. Server Screen broken up
  211. New C4 Server - THE ART OF WAR - Open
  212. Merry Christmas
  213. c4 server page
  214. C4 Pilot Editor - Not Working?
  215. Command switches
  216. Scratched CD - anywhere I can get PFFs?
  217. Help My Friend Join C4!!
  218. Is TD a Cheat
  219. Happy Memorial Day
  220. C4 Server Option
  221. Saitek ST290 Pro - Profile for C4 anyone?
  222. SAI Server
  223. New Joystick (HELP!)
  224. DynDNS
  225. Proposed Tee Shirts
  226. Info
  227. Computer Hacking
  228. Nova logic cept this quiet
  229. Is Nova World today closed for works?
  230. Phoney Servers
  231. Need The C4 Manual
  232. How To Get The D/L Missions To Play?
  233. 1920x1080?
  234. Slapper-CON
  235. C4 Error Codes
  236. C4 Server
  237. Firing C4 up again
  238. To all good friends of =BsS-Fixxxer
  239. 4001 error message
  240. A New Squad....
  241. Asking Nova for another C4
  242. The Next Comanche 4
  243. what do you want in a new game
  244. killing time
  245. The French teams have just lost one of their
  246. novaworld
  247. Thanks Rotor6
  248. c4 tournament hosted by BSS
  249. Steam
  250. Novaworld crashed again ??