- Server Available
- I'm back ......with more maps......
- check this out.......
- hey check this tough one.........war of normandie
- something for snow lovers..........
- Operation Desert Storm...........
- Environment Treat for all
- C4 MissionEditor translated to german
- C4League
- Gadget
- C4 Jousting :ar15:
- How Can i Add A map On This Site??
- hokum in Highway 101 TDM
- How do you make teammate follow you??
- young squad is looking for new members in UK
- Too much time on my hands?
- Nova-Wars
- Interesting Discussion at BKC Forums
- Footnote / Logger for C4 anyone ?
- Flying capabilities...
- Continued V20 Download
- Questions
- Using Teamspeak in Comanche4
- C4 TKOTH Maps
- Campaign Manager
- Newbie post re C4 "lag" and PCX files
- What Happened to AE ???
- Comanche 5 When??
- Update to Serve in Version 2???
- P4 Hyperthreading
- Novaword is down!?!?
- Do i need download something 2 play TKOH?????
- New to C4.. Looking 4 Server knowledge...
- Tiles
- custom maps
- action replay
- Bizarre file???
- Anyone seen Bane ?
- c4 log in
- Hmm
- C4-server behind router
- Editor problems
- Using A Map
- C4 and Comanche Gold Maps..?
- C4 Get Player Manager V. Released !!
- Hp+fastmem..patch..!?
- How do I get the FF to work?
- logitec profiler
- So how is the C4 community?
- New guy on the block
- Major PC problem
- Diffrent actions
- C4 and Win XP
- New Saitek X45 driver
- c4.exe Application Error
- Hope Isnt Lost
- C4 Search & Destroy Game Type
- flying tips
- Invisible C4, Need a Fix
- Please help: C4 dumps on recent computer hardware ?
- Ip Ports
- All C4.cfg settings !?!
- RE: VLoading
- Test Your Flying Skills This Weekend!
- *CFS* 1 Year Anniversary
- C4 on a Lan via Internet
- Ip
- any experience running C4 under Win2003 web edition???
- how to install comanche3 on winXP ???
- Comanche no longer loads XP SP2
- Need advice of superiority of C4 over others
- Lookin 4 a squad
- For Those Who Like A Long Game!
- New Maps
- Remote Access for C4 101
- C4 Running problem HELP !!!
- Reaper u still here?
- Start Problems
- ATI Rage XL 8 MB ram
- Data Extraction
- New C4 MAp
- Save a Game????!!!
- netdelay/puntcrc
- The IFS wants you!!
- Found best way to deal with cheaters
- C4 Mission Editor
- Comming To A Server Near You
- Problem with Graphics
- I Quit
- recording game data? anybody knows this?
- (Tech) Probs with C4
- Bump SAI
- avi or movies
- Bypassing Video Requirements for a Server
- How to add text msgs?
- NEW Mission is Finish!
- A Little Help Needed.....
- A New Map
- C4 won't start, nor C3 for that matter
- LAG A Must read for all C4 Pilots
- Product Code ??
- A old Map in New a new Version
- New C4 Map in Work
- In Game Video
- One Hit Server
- Ch Pro Paddles
- Target Informationsystem
- wac File
- Been A Long Time Folks
- Good bye Comanche 4
- new Map goes to the start
- C4 Paperwork?
- C4 1 hit
- Help with Comanche 4
- Where's the third silo in countdown?
- How Low Can You Go
- M1A2 Camouflage- by =ZAK=
- Server for C4 Coop/Mp missions
- C-130 Dessert Camouflage and M-3 Bradley Dessert Camouflage by =ZAK=
- HI SPIRIT* IS HERE What U Think ???????
- C4 and TeamSpeak
- What's macros are acceptable in public games?
- Comanche4
- No Fog Cheat
- c4 newbie needs help
- V1.5 Auto Explode
- c4 server swapper
- A new Mission for 2006
- Recent Accusations Against Silent Assault Inc.
- Help the Griffon. No, wait, it's not…..
- C4med help!
- Behind Enemy Lines
- New C4 League
- Who alls still around?
- 2 questions: How to enable FSAA / C4 Benchmarking mode
- Traitor
- Complaining about accusations
- Kendari Airport
- Went all out!
- Sorry to see lots of you guys have left
- New C4 Campaign (SP/Coop) Opinions wanted
- S&D,Team King of the Hill
- Mission Editor Help LCAC
- C4 Mission Editor Help Site?
- Thanks + Works 4 a bit LCAC
- ZAK need more help again plz
- Enviroment problems with C4 mission Editor
- C4 Server Info
- C4 Lol
- Scud alley
- My profile combat setup for Extreme 3D Pro Joystick Logitech
- Settings ?
- Awesome Maps
- bms to mis converter
- The new alliance
- black hawks
- Improved stingers of hellfire?
- Problem with maps
- Kills with one hit?
- Comanche 4 SP...
- Advanced or Easy?
- C4 Wallpaper...
- Errors after installing C4EXPMODv6
- Scout & Angel Down
- Mods
- Under Fire
- Desert shield
- Nova login??
- Cheats for Comanche4
- Inso's Revenge
- Inso DSS Welcome back
- C4MED programers
- Polytrn error
- A Word of Graditude
- =ZAK= is Back c4exp mod v6.1
- C4 and Bin files
- Match New AE
- Where is AE??
- AE 1040 Question
- User missions not showing up
- Pilot name doesn't show
- Copying the names
- Your help needed
- Can not log in
- Please Help the Basque !!!
- Help with host manager
- Hamachi.....
- What happened to AE1050 & the new C4 Expansion
- UnderGround
- Hydras
- C4 Guide
- Map Making
- Auto Explode
- Now
- The Clown
- No Pilot Name!
- =fun= 24/7
- C4 Passwords
- C4 Log in ERROR
- 1 on 1 Tournament
- exploding at start of some missions
- New C4ExP Map
- To all C4 pilots
- Ae 40
- Hosting question
- Unreadable StartUp HTML In Vista x64
- 9/11 Aniversary
- C4xpmod
- c4IP ?!?!
- Server Screen broken up
- New C4 Server - THE ART OF WAR - Open
- Merry Christmas
- c4 server page
- C4 Pilot Editor - Not Working?
- Command switches
- Scratched CD - anywhere I can get PFFs?
- Help My Friend Join C4!!
- Is TD a Cheat
- Happy Memorial Day
- C4 Server Option
- Saitek ST290 Pro - Profile for C4 anyone?
- SAI Server
- New Joystick (HELP!)
- DynDNS
- Proposed Tee Shirts
- Info
- Computer Hacking
- Nova logic cept this quiet
- Is Nova World today closed for works?
- Phoney Servers
- Need The C4 Manual
- How To Get The D/L Missions To Play?
- 1920x1080?
- Slapper-CON
- C4 Error Codes
- C4 Server
- Firing C4 up again
- To all good friends of =BsS-Fixxxer
- 4001 error message
- A New Squad....
- Asking Nova for another C4
- The Next Comanche 4
- what do you want in a new game
- killing time
- The French teams have just lost one of their
- novaworld
- Thanks Rotor6
- c4 tournament hosted by BSS
- Steam
- Novaworld crashed again ??