View Full Version : Delta Force Black Hawk Down/Team Sabre Map Editing

  1. 3d wireframe view problems
  2. Teammates
  3. Black Hawk Down AI Re-Spawns
  4. The Music
  5. How to make helicopters land???
  6. Want the BHD Music in your Maps ?
  7. BHD Way points
  8. BHD: Trouble getting Helicopters to take off
  9. How do i flatten land?
  10. Sup
  11. BHD: Choppers problems...
  12. WAC File Issue
  13. BHD BMS2MIS Converter
  14. Hey All
  15. How do I get the player to be in a humvee pernamently?
  16. bhd full ver helo fleight
  17. I Need help with wac files
  18. ctrl+mouse1 & 2
  19. Few Qestions Plz Awnser!!!!!!!
  20. Hummers and Copters?
  21. mapping partner
  22. No Files
  23. BIN Editor Released
  24. AI & Emplaced weapons for BHD
  25. Map Help....
  26. DFBHDMED Consumer 2.00i
  27. BHD Editor Key WireFrame Shortcut Tip
  28. Updated BHD BMS2MIS Converter
  29. "LITTLE BIRD" Hit points
  30. Landind heli's and adjusting speed?
  31. Teleport markers
  32. Effects, Sounds, and things that go boom.
  33. Updated BHDMED v2.05c
  34. BHD:custom sounds
  35. Update BMS2MIS Converter for BHD and Team Sabre
  36. File Listing of Map Sounds
  37. How do u Make Teammates Fallow You??
  38. How do you make teammate follow you??
  39. web Error
  40. TKOH How To.
  41. Delta Force map editor Error ?
  42. Teleporting Players
  43. BHD: NET Play, How many people?
  44. 1st maps
  45. AI Text
  46. Help me, please.
  47. Bhd
  48. King Of The Hill Problem (bhd:ts)
  49. Blackhawk down bms to mis converter by pappy
  50. Check Point Delta
  51. EXP aircraft problems
  52. Bhd New Maps
  53. BHD med question
  54. dialog
  55. dialog using WAC
  56. Teleporting on MP maps
  57. area triggers and events
  58. formation
  59. Strafing run
  60. Team Mates and Weapons
  61. Making my own PFF files 2
  62. Mission Variables
  63. Bin files for briefings
  64. Map making questions
  65. Getting people out of building
  66. Dialog Editor
  67. Unanswered Questions
  68. I need some ideas
  69. Multiplayer choppers
  70. Strafe Run
  71. Where can i download the map editor!? o-O
  72. I need help with this map please
  73. Help with Map - Lockdown
  74. Help with Map - Overwatch
  75. Mission editor problems
  76. Black Hawk waypoint altitude
  77. I need help with a problem with loading troops onto either Humvee or a Blackhawk