- Can't move it around
- Trouble with novalogic in comanche 4
- edit map
- Shipyard Crane
- Single Player C4 missions
- C4 Night maps ?
- C4 Cargo Ships?
- Why can't I do it?
- C4 Helicoptors
- Start marker prob
- No Tiles
- C4: Helo Dropping SAR Team
- How can I make a Missions Intro Video ?
- C4: .DBF and other sound ?'s
- C4 *.til File editing??
- C4 FARPs on Ships
- How Do You Make Bulidings Higher
- confused
- How Do u make BlackHawk Land And Bravo Team Work??
- Dialogs
- C4: New with lots of questions
- How to make my SAR aircraft take-off?
- C4 z levels
- Printing out C4 maps
- The Destroyer don't work ! Plz help me !
- Map Help
- C4 Map Editing
- C4: staying invulnerable
- OT: (C4) To Bluetiereign, Reaper & Charger
- C4 Map Tips
- C4 Items List
- I Need Comanche Gold Mission Editor !
- Cant Change Fire timer
- Anyone still making coop/sp maps for C4?
- C4 Briefings and Campaigns
- List of C4 files tied to mission names
- C4 Tunnel Question
- comanche 4 maps making
- Placing Tile and some questions
- Moving vehicles in a convoy
- My choppers are going in circles
- Mission File *.rc
- AI State "Return to Base"
- Adding Sound
- Setting up Cmpaigns
- Making and adding Items in C4
- setting up maps as compaigns
- Making planes fly
- Z values
- Oil Rigs Z Values
- Some questions on C4
- Missing previews in C4
- Enemy Helix Transport
- Putting soldiers and armor on ships
- Hay Zak
- Editing WIn and Lose Conditions
- Using dialog editor to add sound
- Play part animation and Particle effects
- Players can't trip
- Bridges
- Unlock Med for C4
- Making Bin files and adding Options
- Waypoints in C4
- Mission file *.rc
- Playing a movie before game play
- Blink Group
- Counting the times
- Trigger Text
- New option for map makers
- AI State
- I need the C4MEDc5.exe
- Fast rope for operative
- Moving Airplanes
- C4med6
- My First New Map for this Year
- The MED from =ZAK= MOD
- Unknown problem
- Weather effects to play with