View Full Version : Comanche 4 Map Editing

  1. Can't move it around
  2. C4 DFLW TFD
  3. Trouble with novalogic in comanche 4
  4. edit map
  5. Shipyard Crane
  6. Single Player C4 missions
  7. C4 Night maps ?
  8. C4 Cargo Ships?
  9. Why can't I do it?
  10. C4 Helicoptors
  11. Start marker prob
  12. No Tiles
  13. C4: Helo Dropping SAR Team
  14. How can I make a Missions Intro Video ?
  15. C4: .DBF and other sound ?'s
  16. C4 *.til File editing??
  17. C4 FARPs on Ships
  18. How Do You Make Bulidings Higher
  19. confused
  20. How Do u make BlackHawk Land And Bravo Team Work??
  21. Dialogs
  22. C4: New with lots of questions
  23. How to make my SAR aircraft take-off?
  24. C4 z levels
  25. Printing out C4 maps
  26. The Destroyer don't work ! Plz help me !
  27. Map Help
  28. C4 Map Editing
  29. C4: staying invulnerable
  30. OT: (C4) To Bluetiereign, Reaper & Charger
  31. C4 Map Tips
  32. C4 Items List
  34. I Need Comanche Gold Mission Editor !
  35. Cant Change Fire timer
  36. Anyone still making coop/sp maps for C4?
  37. C4 Briefings and Campaigns
  38. List of C4 files tied to mission names
  39. C4 Tunnel Question
  40. comanche 4 maps making
  41. Placing Tile and some questions
  42. Moving vehicles in a convoy
  43. My choppers are going in circles
  44. Mission File *.rc
  45. AI State "Return to Base"
  46. Adding Sound
  47. Setting up Cmpaigns
  48. Making and adding Items in C4
  49. setting up maps as compaigns
  50. Making planes fly
  51. Z values
  52. Oil Rigs Z Values
  53. Some questions on C4
  54. Missing previews in C4
  55. Enemy Helix Transport
  56. Putting soldiers and armor on ships
  57. Hay Zak
  58. Editing WIn and Lose Conditions
  59. Using dialog editor to add sound
  60. Play part animation and Particle effects
  61. Players can't trip
  62. Bridges
  63. Unlock Med for C4
  64. Making Bin files and adding Options
  65. Waypoints in C4
  66. Mission file *.rc
  67. Playing a movie before game play
  68. Blink Group
  69. Counting the times
  70. Trigger Text
  71. New option for map makers
  72. AI State
  73. I need the C4MEDc5.exe
  74. Fast rope for operative
  75. Moving Airplanes
  76. C4med6
  77. My First New Map for this Year
  78. The MED from =ZAK= MOD
  79. Unknown problem
  80. Weather effects to play with